Goju Kai Karate Do Sydney Australia - Archived
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Gogen Yamaguchi Kaiso with wife Mitsue and Paul & Sandie
Starling in Tokyo 1979 circa
Discipline of body and mind have long been a part of the culture of Japan, and it is this influence which has expressed itself through the various martial arts of Japan such as Judo, Kendo, Aikido, and Karate-Do.
The student will be aware of the discipline within the class and with regards to rank. As each student progressed he/she receives gradings through the yellow belt (Kiirobi) levels to green belt (Midoriobi) then to brown belt (Chaobi) and black belt (Kurobi).
There are ten levels (kyus) from 10th Kyu-Jukyu to 1st kyu-Ikyu, up to black belt, then there are ten degrees - (Dan awards - ) from 1st dan to 10th Dan (Shodan - Judan).
The order of authority is as follows: -
Shidoin, an assigned assistant instructor
under the command of the Chief Instructor, who is of 3rd Dan rank. Jokyo,
an instructor of the 4th Dan rank.. Shihan, a master
teacher usually 5th Dan or above , if
designated the qualification by virtue of endorsement by the
(a) National Association of Chief Instructors
(b) Administration head World Wide - Master Goshi Yamaguchi. ( occasionally 4th Dan previously under Gogen Kaiso)
Sensei, a
teacher, an instructor, a master.
This rank is bestowed on any instructor as such, however, it is
reserved for those most qualified as indicated by formal ranks.
In a place of training - Dojo, Students wear the uniform - dogi or kekogi, and around their waist, a belt - obi. On their left breast a clenched fist signifies the Goju system. This emblem was supposedly designed after the fist of Master Chojun Miyagi, said to have been strong enough to crush bamboo. The written words on the wrist are Goju Ryu (Hard/Soft Style) on the first line, and Karate-Do (Empty hand way) on the second line. Most karate classes are comprised of callisthenics and stretching exercises, basic blocks, strikes, and kicks, manoeuvring excercises with the basics and form kata practise which incorporates the basics. As the student progresses in grade, free-style sparring is commenced and co-ordination, speed and agility are developed.Often, prior to and after each class a brief period of meditation - Mokuso, is practiced; emptying one's mind and allowing one to be in present time without mental distractions. Classes, at various times, also incorporate aspects of grappling, throwing, and Kobudo- ie The Bow-long staff.
The shouting sound - Kiai, is used to emphasize an effect with each technique. It develops a defensive front, provides total awareness in the student - Zanshin. Self defence is merely a by product of what becomes to most student a challenging, worth- while and dynamic activity.