School of Gogen Yamaguchi

IKGA International Karate do Goju Kai &
All Japan Karate do Goju KaiGoshi Yamaguchi 8th Dan Hanshi.
Goshi (Hirofumi) Yamaguchi was born in Shinjing, Manchuria on September 28, 1942 as the third son of Kaiso (the Founder) Gogen Yamaguchi. In 1951, at the age of eight, he began practicing Karate-Do at Senzoku Dojo in Asakusa. He was promoted to Shodan (first level black belt) in 1957 and to Nidan (second level black belt) in 1959. In 1962 he became a Sandan (third level black belt) and an instructor. He entered Nihon University in 1963, majoring in cinema studies in the Department of Arts. While he was a student, he had an opportunity to teach karate-do at an American branch dojo in San Francisco for a year with his brother Kishio Gosen.This Dojo was taken over by another of his older brothers, Norimi Gosei, in 1967.
After he came back to Japan, he taught in various Goju-ryu dojo. He graduated from University in 1969 , when he became a full time Shihan (Master) in the Honbu dojo with a view to promote and develop Goju-ryu Karate-do ;It was within one year of his graduation that the 22 year old Goju Kai instructor from Sydney -Paul Starling had commenced training under Goshi Shihan and his father Gogen Yamaguchi Hanshi at the Honbu Dojo and the Nihon Karate do Senmon Gakko. Goshi Yamaguchi Hanshi has visited and taught in more than 60 countries throughout the world as the World President and Chief Instructor of Goju Kai and the IKGA, as well as the All Japan Karate-do Federation, the Tokyo Karate Federation, and as an international WKF referee. In 1990 he was appointed as President of All Japan Karate-Do Gojukai Association, International Karate-Do Gojukai Association, and designated as Saiko Shihan (Grand Master) for the two associations.
Photo by Alexandra Starling.
IKGA 1985.
Hirofumi Goshi Yamaguchi is one of the most dynamic of all Karate masters in the world today. Now age 66 years (2009) Goshi Shihan's fine technique and outstanding teaching ability marks him as a Master of unique abilities both mentally and physically. In a modern karate world marred by self promotion, egotism, and monetary profits at all cost, Goshi Yamaguchi stands apart from those who seek to use the teaching of Budo for self glorification. His punishing schedule of annual visits to his Branch Dojo of IKGA members throughout the world is a tribute to his tenacity in contining the work that his father started in the 1930's. That is to promote the spread of Goju Ryu to all nations, and to promote peace and goodwill wherever possible.
Saiko Shihan Goshi Yamaguchi never ceases to amaze those who attend his International seminars, by not only performing everything that he asks of others, but leaving people half his age in his wake, very few can keep up with him! At a recent Australian National seminar in Sydney New South Wales during early October 2003, he demonstrated Kumite movements that caused virtually all the attendees to cease their activity and stand mesmorised, watching him, as he was virtually the only person who could perform the intricate footwork mistake free.
A high point of this visit was Goshi Shihan's performance of the master kata Genkaku and Chikaku to music which he demonstrated following the finals of the Australian National Universities Karate Championship on Saturday 4th October 2003 hosted by Macquarie University in Sydney. This kata , Genkaku, was approved by Grandmaster Gogen Yamaguchi Hanshi (prior to his passing away in 1989), and is only taught to Shihan or Master Class instructors. The name comes from the GEN of Gogen and KAKU from the Crane, and this Kata is not to be performed in competition, only for demonstrations. The performance drew a standing ovation from all the competitors and officials present, and was a fitting conclusion to a wonderful tournament to which Saiko Shihan was the guest of honour.
Copyright- Goju Kai Karate do Australia Paul Starling Hanshi
No reproduction without permission© 2023 WWW.GOJUKAI.COM.AU