
Brian Mackie Shihan Renshi

The Karate-do Goju-Kai Academy of Japan was established in 1967 under the instruction of Yasunobu Nagai. Nagai sensei a 5th Dan instructor from the Goju-Kai hombu dojo in Tokyo set a high standard of technical excellence gained through intense physical training. Brian was one of Nagai Sensei's first students and became chief instructor of the Academy on Nagai Sensei's departure in 1970.

Visiting Japan in 1971 and every three or four years thereafter, Brian trained with Japan's top goju-ryu exponents including Gonnohyoe Yamamoto sensei. Yamamoto sensei introduced him to Kaiso Gogen Yamaguchi at the Japan Karate College in Suganami. At that first meeting Brian was in awe of the karateman renowned throughout the world as the 'Cat.' The grandmaster however was a gracious host and very friendly.

He is pictured here at the Asian-Pacific Championships in Jakarta where the competition stopped on his arrival due to the thunderous applause from the audience. Brian trained under Goshi Yamaguchi who is now Chief Instructor (Saiko Shihan) of the International Karate-do Goju Kai Association. (I.K.G.A.) Saiko Shihan has visited Australia on numerous occasions and Brian has never missed an opportunity to train with the Grandmaster.

During these visits to Australia and to the Academy Yamaguchi Shihan continues to pass on a deeper understanding of karate with his unique training drills in kihon, kihon ido, kata, bunkai and kumite. Brian continues teaching traditional goju-ryu karate with special training for those interested in ippon kumite.

 Australia's first Gold medalist at a major International tournament, Brian continued after retiring from competition as Australia's National Coach. He has recently taken over from Paul Starling Shihan as Chief Instructor in Australia.

Adapted from the Goju Kai Western Australia Perth Dojo Home Page .With Permission.