Goju Kai Karate
Do Sydney Australia
Iwan Pranatio Shihan- with Goshi Yamaguchi Hanshi Anglesea
Shihan Iwan Pranatio (7th
Dan Kyoshi) is one of the most highly regarded teachers within the IKGA
in Australia. He first began Martial Arts training in Judo
many years ago prior to studying GOJU KAI KARATE-DO . However his
karate training commenced in 1970 with the International Goju Kai
Karate-Do Association in Indonesia. After a number of years, (in 1975),
Iwan Shihan moved to live and study Goju-Kai Karate-Do in Japan
under Gogen Yamaguchi Kaiso, Founder President and Grand
Master of I.K.G.A. and also under the tutelage of Kaiso's son Saiko
Shihan Goshi Yamaguchi and many other senior Shihan's and senior Sensei.
Pranatio Shihan trained with Gogen Hanshi, Goshi Shihan as well
as Wakako Yamaguchi Shihan, on an extensive basis at the Honbu Dojo in
Suginami Ku. In
terms of rank seniority ( + number of years in training with Yamaguchi
Goju Kai) Iwan Shihan is next in line to Paul Starling Shihan, (however Steve
Colangelo Shihan commenced training in Australia earlier in the mid
He is pictured here with Goshi Yamaguchi Shihan on one of his
many tours of Australia to teach Australian members of Goju Kai.This
technique is an application from Kata Sepai. Throughout the years, he
has also competed at various tournaments and attended seminars
throughout Japan, Okinawa, Indonesia and India. After teaching
Karate-Do in Australia for a number of years, Iwan Shihan was awarded
his 7th Dan and promoted to the position of Chief Instructor of
Victoria for I.K.G.A.
Iwan Shihan is married to Misako and they are
living in Victoria whereby Iwan Shihan is currently teaching at the Kew
Dojo, Melbourne, Australia and attends various Pacific tournaments and
seminars as an Official. Whilst residing in Japan Iwan
Pranatio Shihan also studied in the Art of Kobudo (weaponry) for a
brief period of time. After many years studying at the Japan Karate-Do
College as a student /instructor of the Goju Kai Karate-Do Organisation
and running a Dojo in Japan, he Graduated from the College August 5th,
1978 as a Sandan . Iwan Shihan was graded to the Rank of 6th Dan
(Rokudan ) Renshi Shihan in 1990, and in October 2003 to 7th Dan Renshi
at the Sydney Goju Kai Seminar, by the President of IKGA Goshi
Yamaguchi Shihan, and endorsed by IKGA Vice President Paul Starling
